The main objectives of g-EM project, supported by ESA, is the realization of several services based on Satellite Communications, Earth Observation Data (and other space assets) to optimize smart grids management and electricity grid maintenance. The targeted users are European area based (TSO and DSO), with multinational companies involved.
User needs
Ensure greed stability and security
Ensure power lines infrastructure stability
Monitor electric consumption to detect non-technical losses
Ensure O&M communication and data exchange backup
Optimize ticketing services
Service Solutions
Demand/Response optimization
E-mobility element optimization
Vegetation monitoring Electric consumption monitoring
- Satellite backup platform for data and communication exchange

g-EM services can be divided into two macro categories: Grid Infrastructure Services and Smart Grid Services. Each one of these categories includes two different services, which are: g-EM.Vegetation and g-EM.Consumption, for the infrastructure area, while g-EM.e-Mobility and g-EM-SGM are the services dedicated to smartgrids management. Let’s find out more about them.